Strategies to Improve your grades

College before university? Five reasons why.

Photo courtesy of Holger Dieterich/ “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” You’ve probably heard this question more than a few times over your childhood, and perhaps even tried answering it a few different ways (astronaut, nurse, pro athlete, anyone?), and all the while not being held to your conviction.  And yet, …

College before university? Five reasons why. Read More »

Drop your high school attitude!

Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown/Unsplash So, what kind of a student were you in high school? What peer group did you most identify and hang out with? Where you part of the Good, the Bad, or the Ugly? Perhaps you were one of those nerdy types who actually did well in school.  If so, you …

Drop your high school attitude! Read More »

Three things to change right now to improve your final transcript

Photo courtesy of Wes Hicks/Unsplash At some point in a given semester, you may already be drowning in coursework. There can be any number of reasons for this: poor preparation, too much partying, working too much, illness, a family emergency, a major falling out in your love life, to name a few. You may be …

Three things to change right now to improve your final transcript Read More »